Guiding Beliefs

Finding a search partner who truly aligns with your values matters. Here’s what we stand for at Pierson Henry.

At Pierson Henry, we believe Curiosity is the foundation of relationships. We're eager to learn about you, your organization, and the people who drive it forward. Our approach involves providing opportunities for employee input and engagement, fostering a sense of inclusion, and creating a shared vision for the entire team.

We believe in Trust. Transitions can be unsettling, and staff are often apprehensive about new leadership. PH can help establish trust with your team and build alignment. A team that feels informed, heard, and valued will be ready to welcome, love, and support a new leader.

We believe in Stewardship. We recognize the effort organizations put into creating inclusive, meaningful workplaces. We understand the integrity of your brand and the immeasurable value of your community work. PH will champion your work and your good name, walking beside you every step of the way as ambassadors for your mission.

We believe in Creativity. At PH, we pride ourselves on our open-minded and creative approach to executive search and workplace culture. We're not afraid to introduce new methods, tools, and ideas. We work from a place of abundance from which we embrace new ideas.

We believe in a Human-centered approach to our work. We prioritize our own psychological, social and physical wellbeing so that we can show up as our best selves in the workplace. This includes taking the time for self-compassion practices, creating emotionally safe environments, intentionally creating more inclusive processes and practices in our work and most of all, nurturing empathy within ourselves and those we work with.

We believe in Joy. Executive searches can be a heavy lift for a search committee. At PH, we bring a joyful approach to our work. We genuinely delight in meeting and getting to know new candidates. We enjoy working alongside search committees and consider it both an honor and a joy! Simply put, we love what we do, and it shows!