Human Performance Coaching

Psychological Capital infographic. Circles in a flower shape labeled: Efficacy, Resilience, Optimism, and Hope.

Our human performance coaching brings performance management and goal setting together with a mastery of energy management, interpersonal communication and mindfulness to equip the coachee with the skills and tools they need to reach their fullest potential while sustaining their overall wellbeing.

This coaching fosters a positive and adaptable mindset by cultivating:

Hope: The energy to focus on goal setting and how we plan to achieve our goals. The hope state is motivational, implying that we believe a different and even better future is possible.

Efficacy: The belief in ourselves that we are equipped with what we need to handle the stresses of our lives, especially as it relates to reaching goals and managing change. Ultimately, self-efficacy plays a major role in persistence, especially when faced with setbacks.

Resilience: Our actual ability to cope with stressful situations while maintaining mental well being—essentially how quickly and effectively we can bounce back.

Optimism: The general attitude and expectation that good things are going to happen in the future. Reinforces hope and efficacy. Helps leaders cope with challenges, especially during times of uncertainty and distress.

“Katrina has helped me navigate tricky spaces of self-limiting beliefs and self-doubt that creep in and hold me back whilealso being a thought partner in business and the hard conversations wrapped up with those. As soon as I started working with Katrina, I moved everything forward.”

Janie Moore, Owner, Brico Works